The origins of Castelmezzano date to approximately between the 6th and 5th centuries BC with the arrival of Greek settlers who founded a town named "Maudoro" (the world of gold).
Reaching the hamlet is quite unusual because one enters a tunnel carved into the rock after passing a spectacular gorge.. the exit of the tunnel Castelmezzano appears as in a small cradle protected by the Dolomites.
The town's most fascinating spectacle is that offered by the scenery of Lucania's Dolomite Mountains in the backdrop.
The urban structure is typically medieval.
The town is also listed as one of Italy's most beautiful hamlets.
In the 19th century, Castelmezzano, like many other mountain villages was affected by brigandage.
Due to its location, rich in natural hiding places among the rocks and lush vegetation, it was an ideal refuge for many bandits. At the end of the century, the town suffered a major migratory exodus, which prompted many families to move overseas.
In the 10th century AD, the Saracen invasions forced the local population to find a new location.
It is said that during the exodus, a pastor called Paolino discovered such a place, formed by rocks from the steep peaks which could repel the invaders by means of rolling stone boulders on to the invaders and ...Castelmezzano was born.
Over time, wind and rain have carved in this rock sandstone shapes to which popular tradition has given special names, in fact when certain particular conditions of light and shadows arose, the rocks take on different fanciful shapes and forms.
Castelmezzano is another of those charming and rare villages that makes you feel as if you are forgetting something when you drive away, especially if it happens to be a winter snowy night.
Because of the way the houses and building structures are incorporated within the rocky mountain...
...walking through the historic center is particularly suggestive...
...narrow streets leading to winding steps...
...enticing you to climb even higher and enjoy the wonderful views of the Dolomite Lucane.

Local attraction:
-Il Volo dell' Angelo-
-The Angel's flight-
Above the Lucanian Dolomites, a steel cable suspended between the tops of two small towns, Castelmezzano and Pietrapertosa let you make and live a unique experience: the Angel Flight.
Arriving in one of the two beautiful town, you will have the opportunity to walk between the houses and the rocks, a fascinating excursion historical and natural.
You will taste the typical food and gastronomy and enjoy the beautiful panorama from a point of view, what you will see is usually a privilege only for winged creatures: birds and angels.
At the end of the first flight, arriving in the other town, the "angels" will be back down to earth and, freed from the harness, will reach the center.
Using the shuttle service they reach the departure station of the other line. The dream will begin again suspended between heaven and earth during the return flight.
The ticket includes round-trip flight on two different lines whose slopes are respectively 118 and 130 meters.
The first, known as "San Martino" line, starts from Pietrapertosa (altitude 1020 mt) and arrives in Castelmezzano (arrival altitude 859 m) after covering 1415 meters with the top speed of 110 km / h.
The "Peschiera" line starts from Castelmezzano (altitude 1019 meters) and arrives in Pietrapertosa (arrival altitude 888 mt), covering 1452 meters with the top speed of 120 km / h.
The Path of the seven Stones
(Il Percorso dell 7 pietre) is a project that traces an ancient path of about 2 kilometers linking the two towns of Pietrapertosa and Castelmezzano.
The thematic path takes its inspiration from old tales and the collective imagination depicting magic, destines, witchcraft, witches, flight, dance, delirium.