
Molise Itinerary

The heart of the region is still represented by the mountain, as the topography of Molise is marked by the Apennine ridge that crosses the region from north to south.

Among its many peaks, a prominent place must be assigned to the Matese, the oldest mountain of the territory going  back to the Cretaceous period (Cretaceous began 145.0 million years ago and ended 66 million years ago; it followed the Jurassic Period and was succeeded by the Paleogene Period). 

Another important mountain range is the so-called Mainarde's limestone grouping, a sort of rocky barrier that marks the border between the Molise, Abruzzo and Lazio. These two mountainous areas have characteristics very similar, being marked by a natural landscape of unparalleled beauty and a snow that lasts until spring, and that makes this area an excellent holiday destination.
The region is dotted with  countless  charming medieval villages and castles as well as a abbeys and sanctuaries making the itineraries a very interesting cultural and historical learning experience.
Suggested Itineraries.


Art, History and Traditions

Towns and villages

 Venafro - Scapoli
S. Vincenzo al Volturno 
Cerro al Volturno –

Detour : Castel San Vincenzo
Rocchetta al Volturno.


Alto Molise ( Upper Molise)

Towns and villages

Isernia - San Pietro Avellana
Capracotta - Pietrabbondante
Staffoli -Agnone
(Agnone last on the list to allow for more time)
Detour  - Carovilli

From Isernia to the sea

Towns and villages

Isernia - Frosolone

From the Matese to
the Valle del Fortore 

Towns and villages

Boiano - Campitello Matese  Guardiaregia – Altilia  
Riccia - Gambatesa


The Hinterland

Towns and villages


The sea

Towns and villages

Termoli - Campomarino 
Montenero di Bisaccia

Nature Path

Sepino (Altilia) 
Natural Oasis W.W.F. 
of  Guardiaregia 
Campitello Matese 
Castello Di Macchiagodena