Business Profile:

Ernesto Madeo and his family start the first pig farm in 1984.
In 1986 the young entrepreneur expands the phases of the production sector, adding slaughtering to the breeding program.
The “Butcher’s Shop of the Madeo Family” markets the meats of its own pigs, as well as the characteristic sausages of Calabria, produced in the traditional way.
1991: The great leap: from an organization of handmade products to an industrial model.
The New Madeo model is born, a factory devoted exclusively to the production of Salami of Calabria according to old tradition.
The Company is located in the foothills of Sila Greca, and more specifically in the municipality of San Demetrio Corone.
An enterprising choice given that the production chain system is difficult and demanding, as demonstrated by the fact that even today, in Italy, there are very few agrifood production chains.
All the Madeo products come from the organized production system:
1 The companies follow precise technical breeding and production rules, based especially on the greatest possible use of natural ingredients.
2. All the raw materials used are checked at their origin.
3. Every phase of the production process is controlled and documented.
The ability to trace and track are key words to the Madeo Agrifood Organization, the surest response to the questions of food safety.
Traceability is a guarantee of product and process safety, from the raw materials to the finished products leaving the company.

By being able to track the products, it is possible to go back, at any time, to each phase of production to identify the and track down every shipped product.
Everything is rigorously produced within the Company, from the fodder right down to the spices that flavor the cured meats, such as the renowned Hot Pepper of Calabria.
The Organization, controlled and organized by the Consortium Calabria Quality Meats, is composed of 23 companies, some of which are ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001 certified.

Thanks to careful and innovative marketing policies, the Madeo Food Company, in just a few years, by focusing on genuineness and techniques of traditional production, has managed to win not only Italian tables, but also European ones.
Ernesto Madeo is founding member as well as President of the Consortium for the Protection of Salamis of Calabria D.O.P. The Consortium, with its 22 breeder and producer members, produces every year approximately 90% of the production of Salamis of Calabria D.O.P. Sausage, Soppressata, Capocollo and Pancetta are currently the salamis that have received the valuable D.O.P. distinction.
To facilitate and expedite any possible business relationship with this producers please feel free to contact Made in South Italy Today. We are located in Canada.