
The Sagras

What is a sagra? In pedestrian English, a sagra might be described as a country fair or happy hour time, is the easiest way, for the tourist, to mingle with locals and at the same time taste some good food. 

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It is almost always organized by some local organization (Pro Loco). The sagras connotes its religious dimension, they were in fact a vehicle of communion between men and sacred.

The festivals were celebrated in front of the temples of antiquity, or, in Christian times, the churches.

During the feasts of antiquity, animal sacrifices or offerings of local produce were often made to the gods, which were then consumed by the entire community.

This symbolic ritual remains as the original track today in the various food festivals that revolve around a traditional dish regional or local.
Italy is dotted with traditional celebrations and festivals throughout the year.


The only downfall is that attending to this festivals usually held throughout the summer  months, will require the use of a car.

Spotting a poster (manifesto) advertising an upcoming sagra is easy, you will see them plastered alongside main roads or public places such as beaches or you might see them at the hotel you are staying.

How to read the poster : 

Top line is the name of the association. Soon after the town's name, the days and the month. The poster beside reads as follow: Festa d'Autunno Sagra - Fall Festival.


Prodotti tipici di stagione - Typical products of of the season.

Funghi-Castagne-Vino-Polenta-Cinghiale - Mushroom-Chestnut-Wine-Polenta-Boar.

The box on the right gives a description of the events for those nights, usually, entertainment for the children and the name of the musical band who will entertain the crowd.

Below: The Sagra of the sausages and wine. Have fun.


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